Open Road Vapor
Tobacco Harm Reduction and Health
Despite the propaganda from the big pharmaceutical companies, the media, the government and big tobacco, people are switching to vaping and feeling better because of it. If you landed on this page, you may already know of someone who has benefited from vaping. However, the government doesn’t really allow for much personal testimony. We try to provide some more concrete evidence below. Most of this information is from peer review medical journals.
HERE is a comprehensive list of studies
Vaping does does significantly impede lung function according to an article in the journal of inhalation toxicology
Every time we see the media talk about metals being inhaled from e-cigs, we believe they must have gotten that information from this outdated study on cartomizers. People using chinese made cartos are very few and far between these days. Most of the newer generation of vapers don’t even know what a carto is.
Dr. Farsalinos published a proper study using modern electronic cigarettes and found the level of metal in vapor to be orders of magnitude less than the exaggerated results found by Williams, et. al. Not only that, the amount of metals did not even approach the maximum daily recommended exposure for inhalation as standardized by organizations like the ATSDR, Agency for Toxic; Substances and Disease Registry; REL, Recommended Exposure Limit; and NIOSH, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Full study found here
Farsalinos, K.E.; Voudris, V.; Poulas, K. Are Metals Emitted from Electronic Cigarettes a Reason for Health Concern? A Risk-Assessment Analysis of Currently Available Literature. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12, 5215-5232.
A Study headed by Dr. Farsalinos found that smoking significantly decreased elasticity and elevated stiffness of ascending aorta. However, no adverse effects were observed after using the Electronic Cigarettes.
Effects of electronic cigarette use on the elastic properties of the ascending aorta in healthy subjects: comparison with the effects of tobacco cigarettes
Konstantinos E Farsalinos, D Tsiapras, S Kyrzopoulos, A Spyrou, C Stefopoulos, G Romagna, K Tsimopoulou, M Tsakalou, V Voudris
European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging 12/2013
More details can be found here
One study defined 14 harm criteria. Seven criteria represented harms to the user, and the other seven indicated harms to others. The results were that electronic cigarettes were 96% safer than combustible cigarettes.
“Estimating the Harms of Nicotine-Containing Products Using the MCDA Approach”
Nutt D.J.a • Phillips L.D.b • Balfour D.f • Curran H.V.c • Dockrell M.d • Foulds J.h • Fagerstrom K.i • Letlape K.k • Milton A.j • Polosa R.l • Ramsey J.e • Sweanor D.g
European Addiction Research, Vol 20, No 5 2014
Vaping is far less toxic at the cellular level too! This study exposed living cells to vapor from electronic cigarettes and smoke from cigarettes. The cells exposed to smoke were not viable at a 12.5% extraction concentration. Cells exposed to vapor were viable until exposed to 100% extraction concentration.
“Cytotoxicity evaluation of electronic cigarette vapor extract on cultured mammalian fibroblasts (ClearStream-LIFE): comparison with tobacco cigarette smoke extract”
Romagna G. Allifranchini E. Bocchietto E. Todeschi S. Esposito M. Farsalinos KE.
Inhal Toxicol. 25(6):354-61, 2013 May.
Compared with placebo, the nicotine e-cigarette reduced the desire to smoke and tobacco withdrawal symptoms, and improved time-based but not event-based PM or (Prospective Memory, remembering to execute a delayed intention at a given time point).
“Nicotine derived from the electronic cigarette improves time-based prospective memory in abstinent smokers.”
Dawkins, Lynne. Turner, John. Crowe, Eadaoin
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 227(3):377-84, 2013 Jun.
Nicotine may not be so bad
Vaping Does Not Appear To Be Toxic to Human Airway Tissue
Cigarette Smoke Delivers Approximately 1500 Times More Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHCs) Than Vapor OR Air!
E-Cigarettes are a gateway product away from cigarettes rather than toward them
A Major Government Admits That E-Cigarettes Are 95% Safer Than Smoking